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group312films is a not-for-profit, artists' collective of digital video and film directors who create one short, per director, per month, every month, for six months. we collaborate with one another as well as with actors, editors, writers, musicians, lighting technicians, sound-designers, and graphic artists as much as possible. at each monthly meeting, we screen our projects for each other, drink, get feedback from the group and launch a new theme or topic for the following month. most of our projects are shot on mini dv, or digital 8 although some are done on 8mm and 16mm. we edit and do effects in everything from premiere and final cut pro to after effects, flash and toon time. most of our movies are three to five minutes in length. click here for more information on becoming a member of the group. we hope that after reading this and viewing our work that you'll join us to crew, act, edit or simply come to one of our screenings. we are a casual group.